
Ways to get into good habits
by Baigalmaa staff
Ways to get into good habits
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash
Everyone has a hidden desire to develop themselves and improve their lifestyle, whether they run early in the morning, go to the gym, exercise, follow a healthy diet, read a book every day, learn a foreign language, get rid of harmful habits, learn to meditate, etc. However, due to the type of work, time, and personality, he cannot fulfill it and blames himself. Any habit can be considered as a second person. It is clear that it is difficult to cultivate a new person artificially, but it is not possible to quickly change some of the habits that have been in place for many years, but spending time to install new habits is definitely a great effort and will pay off in the future.

1. Promise yourself that you will have 30 days of whatever new habit you want, and then you have the right to refuse. Take what you want to practice as a small experiment or a game. For a month, I was either a runner, a vegetarian, a dancer, a bookworm, or a dancer. Such restrictions make the process of habituation psychologically pleasant, and since the word "constantly, constantly, always" scares the mind, starting with the concept of temporary allows the desired routine to settle down spontaneously.
2. Don't set too many goals. Because the act of habituation itself is repetition of something, it is effective not to catch only one thing, but to combine it with memorizing foreign words, running, eating breakfast correctly.
3. In these 30 days, you should work hard to fulfill the practice you have set for yourself. It is necessary to calculate the things that you will continue to do and the time that you will do them at a certain time in the future. At first, it is good to get used to choosing one environment or one room or area.
4. For starters, it is said to be very effective after doing a psychological "trigger" like attacking the palm to work, pressing the fingers 5 times, or choosing from stimulating movements such as rubbing the palms, clapping, and jumping down.
5. Don't even try to make the things you dislike the most a habit. If it doesn't work, you'll only hurt yourself. In any case, at least in theory, adopt what you accept and what you definitely need in life. Otherwise, even if you make a habit of what you hate, it will not have a good effect on your life.
6. Putting things in front of you that remind you of what you want to get used to, asking your siblings and friends to ask about this thing, putting written reminders here and there, and learning about the good aspects of this thing will facilitate the process of getting used to it.
7. Praise and reward yourself in the beginning. It connects the new sitting routine with a positive mood. When you arrive, start rewarding yourself with 2 chocolates, etc.
8. Announce your success and progress to those around you. Their support is very important. And because you have announced it, you think about your name and try not to leave it to get the routine you want.
9. If there are tasks or reasons that force you to postpone doing what you want to do, write it down every time. Then, when reading, it allows you to review what valid excuses and reasons there are.
10. If you want to replace one habit with another, replace it with something that is equal in impact and value. It is effective when you drink strong coffee in the evening, use something that recharges your brain (reading, memorizing), or listen to the sound of the TV when you sleep.

