
How does sleep affect health?
by Baigalmaa staff
How does sleep affect health?
It is considered that the most suitable time for a person to sleep is 7.5 hours. The health and beauty effects of more or less sleep can be seen from the following recommendations that were followed by people in the past.

If you sleep for 4 hours, you will be prone to diseases
Illness. The period of deep sleep will be lost and the head and body will be restless. Because growth hormones and immunity are formed only during deep sleep, the body becomes more susceptible to disease and the strain on the heart increases. When cells stop growing, a person ages faster and has a higher risk of death.
5 hours of sleep increases the risk of an accident by 7 times
Add weight. It was observed that the test participants had severe memory problems the next day. The risk of an accident increases 7 times. And at this time, sleep increases the body's appetite hormone by 15%. As a result, the oxygen exchange is not normal and you will be very hungry. If it continues for a long time, the chances of obesity are even higher.
If you sleep for 6 hours, your mind will be unstable
Psychological instability will occur. A person who sleeps for six hours at night is refreshed the next day, but quickly begins to get tired. If it continues for a long time, it becomes psychologically unstable. In case of 6 days in a row, this situation increases sharply.
According to the experiment, the feeling of a person who sleeps for 6 hours regularly is as bad as a person who does not sleep at all for 2 days in a row.
If you sleep for 8.5 hours, you will feel sad
It will be sad. According to the survey, people who sleep more than eight hours are more likely to be lazy and sad, and their mood and behavior become unstable. Another big problem of long sleepers is sleep deprivation.
If you sleep for 9.5 hours, your blood vessels will be in danger
Bad effect on the heart. A study of 70,000 people in Boston found that people who slept more than 9 hours had a 38% increased risk of heart disease. Researchers hypothesize that long periods of sleep affect the body's cytokines, which can activate inflammation, which in turn puts the cardiovascular system at greater risk.
If you sleep for 10 hours, your life will be shortened
Life will be shortened. "Slow sleep is a risk factor," warns Daniel Kripke. His long-term study of a million Americans found that those who slept more than 10 hours had a significantly higher risk of early death than those who slept a typical seven hours.

