
Nostradamus, divination
by Baigalmaa staff
Nostradamus, divination
Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash
Think about the question, close your eyes, select one of the numbers and read the answer.

Michel de Nostradamus was an astrologer, physician, and alchemist, world-renowned for his foresight. The things he foresaw and recorded are still being fulfilled. It is believed that 97% of fortune-tellers of this circle match.
Close your eyes and indicate your answer to the question.


1. You are a person who does not lose balance even in difficult situations. Don't shy away from any problem. You have enough patience and strength. Success awaits you. Believe in yourself and others.
2. No change today or tomorrow. Someone will interrupt. Don't be heavy. Consider which side of your problem is more beneficial.
3. Events in the coming days, exceeding your expectations. If you use your strength and effort correctly, everything will come back to you. Be patient with yourself and others.
4. Right now, success seems to be in your hands. Do not hesitate. Success will follow you for a long time. Use it effectively.
5. As of today, you pay more attention to the thoughts of others and miss out on pleasant things. Without waiting too long, let them know that there is a time to report.
6. What you want is harder than you think. Others have different opinions. Do not be led by illusions, seek advice from a good and close person.
7. The problem is not solved. Give yourself time and don't fill your brain with raw ideas. Live your day. It's not time yet.
8. Be cautious. Don't always believe what other people say. In some cases, you need to keep your distance. Things that seem useful around you are not true. Be careful not to regret later.
9. Done. But you need someone's help. He is not interested in your problem, so he will give you valuable advice from a different perspective.
10. Yes. But don't let yourself be fooled. Give yourself a lot of confidence. Then everything will be fine. Just listen to yourself. Then you will not regret.
11. The question is being asked a little early. It is not fully developed, so it takes time. Compromise is appreciated.
12. Very likely. Everything is happening faster and more positively than you think. Activate your interest. And don't ignore someone who genuinely wants to be your friend.
13. Things don't go as planned. Because you don't believe, you are confusing others. It is useless. Change this situation.
14. Good. Your efforts will not go unnoticed. Everything, open but do not slow down. If you take the initiative, you can surprise everyone.
15. You can be sure of your happiness. Something wonderful is waiting for you. Just wait. Don't rush.
16. All your wishes will come true. But not as you think. Don't be extreme, be prepared for unexpected changes. Accept any items flexibly.
17. Unsolved. Rethink what you want. Very dependent on the outside. In the coming days, everything will be the same. But one lucky thing happens, listen to your instincts.
18. Complications may occur. A crisis is likely. But everything is not at zero. Give time for positive things to happen. The circle of friends tends to expand. A better and more stable environment will be created.
19. Evil things are far from you. If you don't get rid of your doubts and fears early, you will be blamed. If luck goes around you, blame it on yourself, lack of self-confidence and lack of initiative. Be open and friendly with others.
20. Yes, your luck is in your hands. Do not doubt whether it will work. This luck and success will follow you for a long time.
21. Yes, only a little effort is left to achieve the goal. You, put forth your strength one last time, and it will work. Pay attention to what is happening around you, there is no such thing as a simple case.

