
Arguing with fate
by Baigalmaa staff
Arguing with fate
Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash
Most of the people are still unable to live their own lives, they don't even understand it, they try to please everyone, to look innocent and beautiful, what if they are misunderstood and wait for it, to be called the right person, to be cut off from their spouses, colleagues, and relatives. It is said that they live richly and die a poor old age. The following lesson will show that people who cannot listen to their hearts and be themselves, who are influenced by others, who live under the rules of others, are thrown away by "Fate".

A woman filed a lawsuit against "Human Destiny", which is responsible for human life, for her fate and destiny.
- My name is... Why should I live like this? I've been trying to do the right thing.
- Who is it? It is not in the register. Or maybe it's in my dump list.
- What do you mean, my name is...
- Oh, I found it. It's on my dump list. Most of these people are women. Why don't you live your own way? Just your name, stay here. You don't have your own choices, decisions, beliefs, or opinions, and if you lose them, you will be left with a name that lives on other people's tunes, and it will not help you, so it is better to help and support those who teach and guide you. Learn from them!
-What does it mean? I have been trying.
- It's true that you lose by asking, advising, and allowing others to give you luck and lucky occasions as a gift from your destiny, isn't it?
- What should I do?
- You only need gentleness and obedience in your childhood. "Let's look at your biography," he said, skimming through the first few pages, "Immature as a person, undefined character, okay, let's leave that aside and take a look at the time when you reached a conscious life." You took away your first love, your friend.
- Yes. But be generous, right? Is it a sin to be punished?
- Generous woman, put yourself in your place, saying that this happened to another girl. Just let go of the things that have been assigned to you.
- What a stupid girl? said, the woman blushed and said, "After that, we became friends and made peace with each other, and pretended that nothing had happened, and went away stupidly."
- But what if now?
- I want to kill...
- Killing is not killing. But you would love and fight to protect your destiny. Not long after, when you entered university, you chose a profession you didn't like as advised by your relatives, knowing that you would get divorced, when you were old enough to get married, you got married according to the standards of the people, and then you divorced, you got involved with a guy, and you became his treasure like a treasure. resigned voluntarily. You have given up many desires and thrown yourself into their hands. What to complain about? You were born with many talents. Where is it? Where will you do it? This is a real sin, it is also a sin to spread yourself. You are being blamed for not living a full life of self-expression, and you are being punished for living a life of self-expression and self-discovery. A/ he did not know the consequences of his actions due to his mental connection, and B/ he was punished without the right to appeal because there was no mitigating reason that it was due to his physical health. Have a complaint?
"No," said the woman, who barely spoke, losing her lawsuit.

