
The power of gratitude to change destiny
by Baigalmaa staff
The power of gratitude to change destiny
Photo by Ankhesenamun on Unsplash
People are eternal students of this world. Even if a person lives in abundance and happiness, even in heaven, if he is possessed by envy, greed, and possessiveness, his personal environment can easily turn into hell. The universe we live in is capable of responding to our thoughts and desires and expects only good, harmony, friendliness, generosity and love from us. Therefore, our happiness depends on the atmosphere we create around us.

The sages of the past have loved the precious teaching that all changes should be made only by changing oneself and one's own heart, but attempts to change the surrounding environment will lead to personal suffering. Because they believe that the world is a school that operates on the principle of education, but we are the students of this world, we must develop our student qualities, and all the phenomena, things, and environment around us are our teachers. He says that all the things, events, phenomena, and objects in a person's environment are deliberately sent as life lessons to teach them to distinguish between good and bad, but a "true" student should be able to learn from everything that happens in life. For example, you wouldn't believe that an ordinary stone is called a "teacher". However, when the stone is heated by the heat and cooled by the cold, it cracks and breaks and remains in place. However, we prefer to escape from unpleasant and unpleasant things first, and we are always ready to escape by leaving our family, quitting our jobs, going to a foreign country, etc. Won't the stone teach us the queen of the soul? And there is the most terrible thing, which is hostility towards the world and environment. It becomes a kind of hardest lesson to call back the world and environment to hostility. This is similar to a student drawing an exam ticket and not liking the answer to that ticket, insulting or blaming the teacher, or running away to fail the exam. Jealousy is the biggest sign of hostility. This attitude, which contains the desire to be jealous of someone better than oneself, and not to elevate others above oneself, is the first thing that pushes happiness and stimulates the activity of "Karma" to destroy oneself. However, we live in search of the highest happiness of all people, not knowing that it comes only through the fruit of gratitude. As much as we are thankful for fate, the world, God, and the environment, the seeds of happiness sprout in our consciousness and life is filled with good things. There is no medicine to get rid of pain like happiness and gratitude, and if every word and action of gratitude from the heart and heart reduces the unpleasant things that happen, the number of unsaid words of gratitude is accumulated in "Karma". Gratitude is the giver of goodness to all, the meaning and purpose of our life and being born in this world. I'm glad to know that too. Thank you for everything and everyone. Thank you.

