
Without faith, existence will not believe you
by Baigalmaa staff
Without faith, existence will not believe you
Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

In order to live according to the nature of the human being, or to live according to the world, one has to believe in the universe. All things in the human universe are not man-made. The formation and birth of a human being is regulated by a secret law that is completely beyond our control, so we are not born into the world because of our will, but are born according to an inexplicable internal law of the world. We continue to live without knowing who and what we are subject to. At the material level, the laws of chemistry and physics operate, while at the level of the will, metacognitive laws operate, and this important law can be explained in simple words: happiness comes from outside, but we make ourselves unhappy. Everyone wants to be happy, but why not everyone considers themselves happy? People, before they learn to want a happy life, live to live and survive, in other words, to adapt. Appreciation of the will to grow, to fully express and to develop oneself may arise quite late and may not even be detected. It is considered as a will to seek happiness without understanding that it is a relentless desire to survive and live only to be comfortable in the environment and to create pleasure.
So, if we want good things to surround us outside of our will, if we want to live under the laws of the world, the laws of the world, and our natural qualities, then we must not do the following things.
- Don't live in a state of waiting /help, salvation, alms, promises/
- To be free from worry, anxiety, depression, and the feeling of death
- Don't expect guarantees, gratitude or payment from anything
- Do not hide or suppress your complaints
- Be detached from deception and illusion
- Don't condemn others or make them feel guilty
- Not wanting to control anything or anyone
- Be free from fear and caution

These dead qualities, fear due to ignorance of the nature of life, feelings of loneliness caused by any loss, lack of self-confidence, and distrust of the laws of the world become habits. However, the world we live in works according to the principle that if you don't have faith, existence will not believe you. Therefore, there are only two paths before us: to discover and develop ourselves, to know the meaning of life and to submit to the mysterious laws of the inexplicable world, or to live a life of struggle for survival. A person's dream is a compass within a person, but the desire to develop oneself, to know life, to discover oneself, to obey and obey the laws of the world, is the opportunity to fulfill that dream. A dream without action, knowledge, or desire is like dreaming of one's own funeral, which comes at the end of a life outside of desire. In order to give the world a chance to make oneself happy in life, a person should devote himself to knowing the purpose of his birth, the quality of his birth, and the meaning of his birth in this world, not by his own will. This is the only opportunity that we have right now and that is close to us.

