
Be careful not to infect others
by Baigalmaa staff
Be careful not to infect others
Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash
The act of touching the human body or any part of the body is a form of action that strongly affects a person. It is capable of transmitting many signs and signals that express human mood, emotional states, likes and dislikes. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful and not let others touch your body as much as possible, unless it is a close person.

When a person touches the body, there are cases where there is a feeling of confidence, relief of certain pains, etc. However, in some cases, there is a feeling of discomfort and chills. This means that the organism is warned about the effects of touching. During meetings and negotiations to solve important issues, you should keep your distance as much as possible and try not to allow others to touch you. There are times when you doubt your decision just by accidentally touching your hand. Even a simple gesture can be either reassuring or not. It is also believed that the left hand has a stronger effect. The parts of the body that are most affected by energy are the back, elbows, and back of the neck.
Some people, even though they are not well-known, are okay to hug when they meet, but it is uncomfortable to touch a familiar body that they have worked with for a long time, and chills are the signals of the body. Physical effects:
- In any case, do not allow people to touch the parts of the body that feel uncomfortable to touch and do not exercise. It means rejecting the signals from the inner consciousness. If someone slaps you on the shoulder and it makes you uncomfortable, stop saying it. It means that your energy will be spent on fighting with human energy, not on your work.
- Avoid touching your hair under any circumstances. In particular, women's hair is considered to have hidden power. Magical rituals are often performed using women's hair and are used to cast curses. Hair is considered as an antenna and energy generator. Never comb your hair with someone else's comb.
- It is said to have a positive effect when stroking the back from the bottom up. Touching and stroking the back without permission destroys the human and biological environment. It's never nice to have someone touch your back. At this time, the organism sends a warning signal about the danger of losing energy. But how pleasant it is to be hugged and stroked from behind by loved ones and children. At this time, our aura is strengthened. Our body gives us two signals: good and bad, so we need to learn to listen to them.
- Intestinal, lower intestinal tract, human contact issues are considered in particular. It is very sensitive and it is okay, people are affected just by looking at it, by touching it. Going out in public with your belly exposed is like spreading your energy.

Finally, I advise you to hug, touch and caress as much as possible with your loved ones, restore each other's aura, but do not let others hurt you. Our subconscious is constantly protecting us.

